Do you know what are the logical facts about the colors of Google’s Logo?  In this article, we will try to solve this query regarding the Google Chrome Logo’s Colors.

Concept of Primary Colors and Secondary Colors:-

If we look at the Google logo, a combination of primary and secondary colors is used for a long time.

As you know better primary colors are those colors by which other colors are formed after mixing. Have you ever noticed? Google also used primary colors in the middle of the Logo while the ‘L’ alphabet with the green color (secondary color) is also used in the logo.  Google company has a concept behind using the ‘L’ alphabet as green color because as you can see L alphabet is independently used in word Google.

On the other hand, red, yellow, and blue as secondary colors are present in Google’s Logo. These things determine whether people belong to an Individual or Group they both are better. Because both can show their ideas as a team as well as unique independent ideas. According to Google company, ‘L’ as green color is the different and alone alphabet in the word Google that is not a problem for the Google company because it always focuses on new things to show to the world.

Philosophy of Colors:-

Google company gives the reason for these colors that it rich company in the world thus, it uses colors to reflect its branding ideas worldwide. If you watch any documentary on Google then you will find the same thing related to facts in the logo of Google’s colors. The google company internship program pays the second highest internship with a score of 9.381. The two Employees shown in the movie are trying to prove themselves as the best salesmen.  If we talk about their strategies for marketing that is impossible to understand in the world. In short, we can say that they are different due to their unique innovative plans for Google. The movie also explains why they use L as green color independently because it determines their technology and creativity skills. Let’s analyze our question regards using of primary colors red, blue, yellow, and the Secondary color green lonely So, It gives the idea that how different mind’s people can work with each other to present their talents as a team or as an independent.

Amazing facts about Google Logo:-

Some decisions were taken by Google Company for its logo which are discussed below:

1) The trend of Simple Logo in 2013:-

In the year 2013, all the companies set a trend of a simple logo for their companies Google was also one of them then the company brought graphical changes in the logo such as the brightness of the logo increased, giving a flat shape to the logo. But most people did not like it because they thought that Google was good in blender shape. If we talk about the adoption of this trend by Google then we will find an answer that chooses the simplest logo as the development of the company in the world. Thus, Google used a simple logo in the year 2013.

2)Selection of New Logo in 2015:-

In the year 2015, Google again selected a new logo that attracted many people. At this time Google applied visual characteristics to the font. So, Due to the adoption of these high contrasting colors without any shadow feature gave it a look of a Modern Logo like other famous companies Microsoft and Motorola at that time.