Four Cool Facts about Carrots.
Four Cool Facts about Carrots.

4 cool facts about carrots- Here we will discuss interesting facts related to carrots that you never know like carrots have different colors, carrots were first used for medicine etc. and we will also talk about history of carrots as well as its merits and demerits of carrot juice.

Most Interesting Facts

1) Different Colors:-

We think that carrots are only in orange color but they are found in different colors including pink, white, yellow, red, purple etc.  Carrots derive their colors from pigment compounds called carotenoid. The carrot’s bright orange color comes from beta- carotene. It acts as antioxidant and is converted to vitamin A in our body.

     Red carrots are sweet in taste than orange carrots. They contain a compound called lycopene which gives it its red color. It protects our body against free radicals, it is believed that lycopene fights against cancer cell and prevent heart diseases.

     Purple carrots have same benefits as other but they contain high concentration of anthocyanin which helps in weight loss as well as reduce inflammation and improve heart problems.

   Yellow carrots are varieties that are grown to yield sweeter flavor which are available year-round. They contain high level of carotenoid lutein, a pigment similar to beta carotene that is absorbed as vitamin A in body.

 2) Historical Fact:-

Carrots were first used for medicine in Asia over 3,000 years ago. These carrots were very different from the carrots we see now – they were purple and yellow! It was not until 900 B.C. when carrots were first grown for food in Afghanistan. Purple and yellow carrots did not make their way to Western Europe until the 1300s.

3) Dangerous Fact:-

Ten gallons of carrots juice can kill a person because the vitamin A content of that much high juice is enough to make your brain swell and kill you.

4) Fun Facts:

*In order to achieve perfect orange color, carrots must be grown between 60-75˚F.

*Carrots are a type of root vegetable- meaning the edible portion of the plant is grown underground.

*The flower called Queen Anne’s lace is actually a wild carrot.

*Wisconsin carrots are harvested in the late summer/early fall and can be stored through the winter.