Texas Tower Shooting of 1996:

Charles Whitman was a commission officer in the US Navy who killed hundreds of people at the University of  Texas at Austin in 1996. What is Whitman's fever? why did Charles Whitman shoot? Who was Charles Whitman's wife? In this article, you will know facts about the mental health, family, and life of Charles Whitman.

Texas Tower Shooting of 1996:-

Charles Whitman was a patient with a brain tumor who killed his mother and wife. After the murders, he reached the University of Texas at Austin. He carried a snipper with him by which he killed three people at the main building of the university. Then he set foot on the building’s tower where he had been again beginning to shoot for one and half hours in which eleven people died. While thirty-one were wounded brutally due to sniper’s bullets. 70 persons died including newborn babies. After thirty-five years according to the victim’s report, more than 16 people died due to serious injuries.

Austin’s Police took legal action against him and killed this Charles Whitman shooter on 1st August 1996. But his name in the bad name is famous as “Texas Tower Snipper”. There are some facts about his madness When he was 17 years old he faced domestic violence from his parent’s side. He was an intelligent student concerning academic and extra curriculum activities for example: At the age of 11, he became a good pianist. While he also participated in Boy Scout of America where he got the rank of Eagle Scout at the age of twelve. He joined hunting trips with his father where he learned many things related to guns like shooting, maintenance of the gun, etc. At the age of 20, he married Kathleen. He had done the same thing as his father such as domestic violence, abusive words, etc to his wife. He was also a part of the U.S Marine where he obtained many medals, badges, etc.

He was a good shooter from childhood as we discussed above. In 1960 competitions were organized with the cooperation of a US Marine he got 215 points out of 250 in that shooting’s program.

After completing of college education, he continued his graduation from the Naval Enlisted Science and Education Program [NESEP]. When his engineering training ended, he was appointed Commission Officer in US Marine. He wrote his daily routine in his dairy as a hobby. In his diary, he shared some good as well as bad memories like his mother’s divorce, he also composed about his mother after divorce she got a job in the canteen but she also tried to meet his father after separation from his father.  He also discussed his father’s phone call in which he said to his mother that he wasted approximately 100 dollars on this conversation. His father also asked him to stay with him but Charles denied him by saying “You leave us on the way helpless.” and he also abused his father. If we talk shortly, he consists of stressful life. Before he performed his shameless activity, he wrote a letter in which he gave information related to his decision for killing his mother and wife. His useless idea was that his mother and wife must die to get rid of the suffering of the world. So, in the middle of the night, he visited his mother’s flat where he murdered his mother after covering her dead body with a bedsheet, he left that place. Then he arrived at his house where he did the second murder of his wife by stabbing then he also covered her dead boy in the same way.