Who introduced A.D and B.C System?-Informative World Network.

Do you know the difference between A.D and B.C? The reason for this article is to acknowledge the religious belief of Christian about the A.D and B.C systems? We read in our books AD, BC but people don’t know the background of these centuries. We will also discuss the invention of these systems.

A.D VS B.C System:

What is meant by AD and BC:-

A.D abbreviates as Anno Domini in Latin we can say “Years of Lord” according to Christian. It is denoted the era after the birth of Jesus Christ. The Christians have faith that the year of Christ’s birth is one AD concerning this system of the century and one BC is the years before his birth. Now, C.E is used as an alternative to AD which stands for Common Era. The BC is abbreviated as the period before the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christian’s Faith:

Christian’s Faith:-

Christian believed that B.C is abbreviated as Before the birth of Jesus Christ. While A.D means the period after the birth of Jesus Christ. But many writers use CE and BCE without any concept of religion’s belief in the place of AD and BC. The CE stands for Common Era and BCE stands for Before Common Era. This interesting invention of  AD and BC was in AD 525 by Dionysius Exiguus, also mentioned in the Julian and  Gregorian calendars.

Christian’s Calendars:

The Christian consist of two calendars: “Julian Calendar” and “The Gregorian Calendar”. These two calendars are different from each other based on rules to find the date of the Easter festival. The Christian calendars have great importance among Christian because they were formed in the Catholic Church by the people of the Church. According to Christian, these calendars are not related to the motion of the moon. These calendars contain 365 or 366 days in the year. The one week consists of seven days while they are divided into 12 months.

 How and by whom the system was invented?

Your Answer is Here:

People are thinking about How and by whom the system was invented? So let analysis some historical facts of the past era in which Christians were confused about the date to celebrate Festival Easter. Some important steps were taken to calculate the date of Easter with the help of Mathematics. In 325 AD it was decided in the council of Nicaea, that Easter would be held on Sunday in the phase of “Full Moon” following the Spring equinox. The Computus ( origin from Latin “Computations”) method was used to determine the date of Easter. 

Who did invent the A.D system?

Dionysius Exiguus was the first person who invented A.D for the first time. He calculated all the years from the birth of Jesus Christ which lead him to write Georges Declercq. He did not tell how he introduced this system. But the oldest writing material from the time of Christian for example: “Clement of Alexandria or Eusebius of Caesarea gave him a lot of guidance in introducing the A.D century. We found some mistakes such as: According to Modern estimates report the birth of Jesus is 4 B.C While he presented his date of birth as A.D 1.  After that in 731, He again gave his masterpiece “ 

Who did give the concept of the B.C system?

A student from the University of Nottingham wrote “Historical writing in England” her best book attracted many readers to her work in which she introduced a system for B.C (before Christ) and believed to originate with Bede. In this way, B.C. and A.D. systems were followed in the 9th century. The Roman Emperor Charlemagne used the system for the acts of government.

During the era of the fifteen century the people of “Western Europe” followed A.D. and B.C. systems. In the sixteen century “Gregorian Calendar” was formed. After that, the International Organization provided “ISO 8601” as International Standard. It gave way to representing dates and times.

Our next article will continue with further information on the topic ( Why did A.D and B.C. replace with BCE and CE?